Montessori Threading Board

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SKU: N32-LG4610

Sale price£7.95 Regular price£9.99


Ignite a world of creativity and learning with our meticulously designed Wooden Threading Board accompanied by vibrant coloured laces. This multi-sensory tool not only indulges little ones in hours of immersive play but is also strategically designed to foster their fine motor skills.

Dimensions: Approximately 17 x 13 x 1.5 cm


  • High-Quality Material: Crafted from sturdy and child-friendly materials ensuring it is safe for young learners to explore through touch, grip, and handle.
  • Coloured Laces: The set includes laces in various bright and engaging colours, inviting children to create endless patterns and designs, weaving a canvas of imagination and flair.
  • Skill Development: Focused on enhancing the pincer grip, the threading board serves as an elementary step towards learning how to handle writing tools like pencils, setting a strong foundation for the early learning goal of moving and handling.


  • Motor Skill Enhancement: Through the repetitive motion of threading and weaving, children naturally develop their fine motor skills, cultivating good control and coordination in both large and small movements.
  • Preparation for Writing: The artful activity is designed to prep young minds and hands for writing, as they master the pincer grip, a vital pre-writing skill.
  • Safe Play: Rounded edges and non-toxic materials make it a safe choice for little ones, as they confidently and safely negotiate the space on the board, learning the dynamics of spatial awareness.

Educational Learning Goal (ELG):

Aligned with the “Moving and handling” guidelines of ELG, this threading board serves as a practical tool in nurturing children’s innate abilities to handle equipment and tools effectively. It guides them in moving confidently and safely, laying a strong base for their writing journey ahead.

Encourage your child to weave their fairy tale with colourful patterns while developing essential skills with our Wooden Threading Board with Coloured Laces. A canvas of creativity and a nursery for budding skills; this board promises not just play, but a pathway to learning with joy.

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